goals Apr 04, 2020

It’s the beginning of a new month and that means it’s time to set some new goals! Goal setting and planning go hand-in-hand, and can really help you to get clear on what it is you’re trying to accomplish. 


You’ve heard it before and I’ll say it again. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. 

Why is that?

Think of it this way... If you float into a new month with no expectations, no goals and no plan, you’re not really being intentional with your business or your life. You're just allowing life to happen to you, and that's not going to help you reach your dreams.

You have to have a plan. 

And no, I’m not just talking about picking dandelions in a grassy field and making some wishes. I’m talking about getting down to the nitty gritty. Setting clear and attainable goals with actionable steps that will push you to the next level in your business, or help you launch that business, FINALLY! 


Goals that are S.M.A.R.T.E.R. will help you to hold yourself accountable; which is great, because that means you can reward yourself when you’ve accomplished your goals at the end of the month. Can I get an amen?!

Never heard of S.M.A.R.T.E.R. goals? Perfect, let’s break it down. 


S- Smart. Set smart goals for yourself. For example, if you want to sell $1k worth of product, be smart about it. How are you going to do it? What's your plan of action? 

Want to finally start that business? How are you going to do it? Whats the plan?

Without a plan of action, it's really just a dream! WITH a plan though, your dreams become your reality. 

M- Measurable.

Want to grow your sales?

Want to grow your e-mail list?

It doesn’t matter which goal you choose, just make it measurable. Then, at the end of the day, week or month you can determine right away if you actually accomplished that goal. 

A- Attainable. Is the goal you're setting for yourself actually within your reach right now?  It’s great to shoot for the stars, but if you’re starting at ground level with no rocket or knowledge of how to build a spaceship, it’s probably going to be pretty hard to get to the stars, right?! Maybe the first goal should be to educate yourself on how to actually get into space. 

If your goals are attainable, you'll be able to reach for them, hit them, and then raise the bar the next month. You'll feel good about what you're accomplishing instead of beating yourself up for not hitting a goal that wasn't actually attainable in the first place. 


R- Relevant. Are your goals relevant to what is happening in your daily life? Are they relevant to what you actually NEED right now? More importantly, are your goals relevant to what your customer needs? 

Start with a service-based mind set and you're going to be more in tune with what is relevant to your customers and, ultimately, your business.


T- Time-Bound. I like to set daily, weekly and monthly goals. So if my goal is to post more on Instagram, or get more sales, I'm going to make sure I set a deadline for myself so that the goal is time-bound. 


E- Evaluative. At the end of the day, week or month, take a look at what your plan was at the beginning. Take a hard speculative look at it. Then, determine if it actually went the way you anticipated or hoped for it to go. 

R- Revisable. Once you've evaluated, tweak whatever isn’t working! Maybe the goal needs to be more specific, or maybe it worked great and you need to do it more. Be flexible with your methods but stubborn with your goals. 

At the end of the day, nothing will change if you don’t take some action. So instead of complaining about the position you’re in now, think of what you can do to improve your position. 

What do you need to make this happen?

More education?  

A community that will help you be accountable? 

Decide what you need to do to change your life and make it happen. No one will suffer more than you if you don’t set some goals for yourself. Creating actionable and attainable goals for yourself helps you to be accountable to your dreams. 


If you haven't already, challenge yourself to set some goals for your business TODAY. What needs to happen NOW to make a difference in your life, or finally get that business going?

 Create a plan and get to work. 


A goal without a plan is just a dream. Dreaming is great, but it doesn’t actually get you what you really want. So get clear on your dreams, turn them into goals, and then map out a plan of action. 

What goals do you have? Let's make them S.M.A.R.T.E.R. goals and see what a difference it makes!


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