The Power of Your Mindset


All day long it's a comparison game. Am I as good as her? Am I fashionable enough? Do I have enough business sense? Am I skinny enough? Am I pretty enough? Am I ... You fill in the blank. I'm sure you do this all day long anyway and you don't need any help or ideas from me. 

Have you been guilty of this? 

I'm definitely guilty of this. Even now. Even when my boutique is bringing in a full-time income.

In fact; I'm still not positive I have amazing fashion sense, or that I would ever win any awards for being the best accessorized outfit-putter-togetherer (I know, that's not a thing, but you get the idea). 


In order for you to have a successful business, you don't need to become Amazon. You don't need to compete with Nordstrom or any of those other big businesses out there. You just need to be yourself! 

That's it! Isn't that pretty awesome!? 

You don't have any competition, because there's no one else like you out there! 

You. Are. Enough. 

In Boutique Bootcamp,  we explain exactly why NONE of the competition matters at all. 

We also explain why, even if there are exactly 5 million boutiques in your small town alone, none of them would compete with you. 

Doesn't that sound amazing? 

Stay tuned... 

Boutique Bootcamp opens up on October 18th!


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