What is Boutique Bootcamp Anyway?

boutique bootcamp how what Oct 18, 2019

By this time on Friday you'll have the option to join our elite Boutique Bootcamp!

Are you so excited!? 

I know I am! 

You're probably wondering, "Okay, Okay, what the heck is Boutique Bootcamp anyway?!" 

Well, that's a great question! 

Boutique Bootcamp is an intensive 7 week training where we teach you everything you need to know to open your online boutique.

We have crafted over 20 JAM-PACKED modules, filled-to-the-brim with the info you need to have a profitable boutique. 

When you become an elite member of Boutique Bootcamp, you'll have access to our FB group, where we go live once a week to personally answer questions for you and help you trouble shoot. 

You'll also have access to LOT of assignments that will help you pinpoint your branding, find your ideal customer, and get the sales rolling in. 

We teach you exactly how to set your store up, and we even teach you how you can own a boutique with NO inventory! (Believe me, it's possible) 


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